Home > BiKEGG > NetPoster.m





function NetPoster(LineStrength,OverlapC,ColormapC,BackCol,CpdCol,inactiveCol)


 is a subfunction of MapAdjuster for post-processing the
 customized metabolic maps created by NetDraw, and possesses a structure
 very similar to that of the NetDraw.
 LineStrength: User defined of reactions' line width.
 OverlapC: Check if user wants to remove (0) or retain (1) overlapping
 reactions on the created map.
 ColormapC: Check if user wants to remove (1) or apply (0) color mapping.
 BackCol: Background color.
 CpdCol: Compounds' color.
 inactiveCol: Inactive reactions' color.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function NetPoster(LineStrength,OverlapC,ColormapC,BackCol,CpdCol,inactiveCol)
0002 % NetPoster
0003 % is a subfunction of MapAdjuster for post-processing the
0004 % customized metabolic maps created by NetDraw, and possesses a structure
0005 % very similar to that of the NetDraw.
0006 %
0007 % Inputs:
0008 % LineStrength: User defined of reactions' line width.
0009 % OverlapC: Check if user wants to remove (0) or retain (1) overlapping
0010 % reactions on the created map.
0011 % ColormapC: Check if user wants to remove (1) or apply (0) color mapping.
0012 % BackCol: Background color.
0013 % CpdCol: Compounds' color.
0014 % inactiveCol: Inactive reactions' color.
0016 % O. Jamialahmadi
0017 % TMU, Chem. Eng. Dept., Biotech. Group
0018 % July 2016
0021 PostData = getappdata(0,'PostData');
0022 h1 = getappdata(0,'ParentAx');
0023 H1 = getappdata(0,'ParentFig');
0024 delete(h1); delete(H1);
0025 % Create new canvas -------------------------------------------------------
0026 H1 = figure;
0027 h1 = axes;
0028 set(H1,'position',get(0,'screensize'));
0029 set(h1,'position',[0,0,1,1],'xtick',[],'ytick',[]);
0030 set(H1,'toolbar','figure');
0031 set(H1,'menubar','figure');
0032 setappdata(0,'ParentAx',h1); setappdata(0,'ParentFig',H1);
0033 % Set Background color ----------------------------------------------------
0034 if isempty(BackCol) || numel(BackCol) == 1
0035     BackColr = [0.8,0.992,0.8];
0036 else
0037     BackColr = BackCol;
0038 end
0039 I = ones(PostData.max_y-PostData.min_y+50,...
0040     PostData.max_x-PostData.min_x+50,3);
0041 I(:,:,1) = I(:,:,1).*BackColr(1);
0042 I(:,:,2) = I(:,:,2).*BackColr(2); 
0043 I(:,:,3) = I(:,:,3).*BackColr(3);
0044 % Set inactive rxns -------------------------------------------------------
0045 Allx4Arrow = PostData.Allx4Arrow; Ally4Arrow = PostData.Ally4Arrow;
0046 if isempty(inactiveCol) || numel(inactiveCol) == 1
0047     Flaginactive = [0 0 0];
0048 else
0049     Flaginactive = inactiveCol;
0050 end
0051 for i1 = 1:numel(Allx4Arrow)
0052     I = pixFill(I,Allx4Arrow{i1},Ally4Arrow{i1},LineStrength,Flaginactive);
0053 end
0054 % Flux overlay ------------------------------------------------------------
0055 field_intsect_overlay = PostData.field_intsect_overlay;
0056 field_intsect = PostData.field_intsect;
0057 Cm=jet(numel(field_intsect_overlay)); flx = PostData.flx;
0058 flx_abs = abs(flx);
0059 for k=PostData.k
0060     McmCollect = zeros(size(flx,1),3); 
0061     if ~ColormapC
0062         for m=1:size(flx,1)
0063             % Normalize colors and insertion into enzyme boxes
0064             flxMax=max(abs(flx(:)));
0065             flxMin=min(abs(flx(:)));
0066             if flxMax==flxMin % One row (i.e. for 1 rxn)
0067                 flxMax=max(abs(flx(:)));
0068                 flxMin=min(abs(flx(:)));
0069             end
0070             flxSl=(size(Cm,1)-1)./(flxMax-flxMin);
0071             if isinf(flxSl) % in case of flxMax == flxMin
0072                 flxSl = 1e15.*(size(Cm,1)-1);
0073             end
0074             Mcm=ceil((flx_abs(m,k)-flxMax).*flxSl+size(Cm,1));
0076             I = pixFill(I,PostData.ArX{m},PostData.ArY{m},LineStrength,...
0077                 [Cm(Mcm,1) Cm(Mcm,2) Cm(Mcm,3)]);
0078             McmCollect(m,:) = [Cm(Mcm,1) Cm(Mcm,2) Cm(Mcm,3)];               
0079             clear pixx pixy
0080         end
0081     else % No color for flux carrying rxns
0082         for m=1:size(flx,1)
0083             I = pixFill(I,PostData.ArX{m},PostData.ArY{m},LineStrength,...
0084                 Flaginactive);
0085             McmCollect(m,:) = Flaginactive;            
0086         end
0087     end
0088     ArX = PostData.ArX; ArY = PostData.ArY; OverlapData = PostData.OverlapData;
0089     min_x = PostData.min_x; min_y = PostData.min_y; basemap = PostData.basemap;
0090     RefOverlapData = PostData.RefOverlapData;
0091     if OverlapC
0092         [I,ArXo,ArYo,ArrowChek,RxnId] = OverlapChecker(I,ArX,ArY,OverlapData,...
0093         flx(:,k),McmCollect,field_intsect_overlay,LineStrength);
0094         [ArrowX,ArrowY,Cntrs] = ArrowheadProcess(Allx4Arrow,Ally4Arrow,...
0095             min_x,min_y,field_intsect,basemap,RxnId,RefOverlapData,'bigg',field_intsect_overlay);
0096         I = MapTrimmer(I,ArrowX,ArrowY,Cntrs,Allx4Arrow,Ally4Arrow,LineStrength,BackColr);
0097         [ArrowX1,ArrowY1,Cntrs1,Director] = ArrowheadProcess(ArXo,ArYo,min_x,min_y,...
0098             field_intsect_overlay,basemap,[],[],'bigg',[]);
0099         I = MapTrimmerF(I,ArrowX1,ArrowY1,Cntrs1,ArXo,ArYo,RxnId,field_intsect_overlay,LineStrength,BackColr);
0100     else
0101         [ArrowX,ArrowY,Cntrs] = ArrowheadProcess(Allx4Arrow,Ally4Arrow,...
0102             min_x,min_y,field_intsect,basemap,[],[],'bigg',[]);
0103         I = MapTrimmer(I,ArrowX,ArrowY,Cntrs,Allx4Arrow,Ally4Arrow,LineStrength,BackColr);
0104         [ArrowX1,ArrowY1,~,Director] = ArrowheadProcess(ArX,ArY,min_x,min_y,...
0105             field_intsect_overlay,basemap,[],[],'bigg',[]);
0106     end
0107     % Compounds overlay ---------------------------------------------------
0108     if isempty(CpdCol) || numel(CpdCol) == 1
0109         CpdColr = [0,1,0.498];
0110     else
0111         CpdColr = CpdCol;
0112     end
0113     for i1 = 1:size(PostData.cpdxy,1)
0114         cc1 = PostData.x_cpd(i1)-PostData.cpdxy(i1,4)*0.7:PostData.x_cpd(i1)+PostData.cpdxy(i1,4)*0.7;
0115         cc2 = PostData.y_cpd(i1)-PostData.cpdxy(i1,4)*0.7:PostData.y_cpd(i1)+PostData.cpdxy(i1,4)*0.7;
0116         [x,y] = meshgrid(cc1,cc2);
0117         f1= ((x-PostData.x_cpd(i1)).^2+(y-PostData.y_cpd(i1)).^2) <=(PostData.cpdxy(i1,4)*0.7)^2 ;
0118         f2= ((x-PostData.x_cpd(i1)).^2+(y-PostData.y_cpd(i1)).^2) <=(PostData.cpdxy(i1,4)*0.55)^2 ;
0119         x1 = x(f1); y1= y(f1);x1=round(x1); y1=round(y1);
0120         x2 = x(f2); y2= y(f2); x2=round(x2); y2=round(y2);
0121         x1(~y1) = []; y1(~y1) = [];
0122         x2(~y2) = []; y2(~y2) = [];
0123         for i2 = 1:numel(x1)
0124             I(y1(i2),x1(i2),1) = 0.502;
0125             I(y1(i2),x1(i2),2) = 0.502;
0126             I(y1(i2),x1(i2),3) = 0;
0127         end
0128         for i2 = 1:numel(x2)
0129             I(y2(i2),x2(i2),1) = CpdColr(1);
0130             I(y2(i2),x2(i2),2) = CpdColr(2);
0131             I(y2(i2),x2(i2),3) = CpdColr(3);
0132         end
0133         clear f1 x1 x2 cc1 cc2
0134     end
0135     % Show map ------------------------------------------------------------
0136     imshow(I,'InitialMagnification', 'fit','Parent',h1); 
0137     % Show time-series values on the corresponding image
0138 %     TimePropUDF ('One',PostData.TextFont,PostData.TimeUnit,PostData.mTime,k,h1)
0139     arrowhead(ArrowX,ArrowY,[],Flaginactive,LineStrength/2,[]);
0140     flxDirect.D = Director; flxDirect.F = flx(:,k);
0141     if OverlapC
0142         arrowhead(ArrowX1,ArrowY1,ArrowChek,McmCollect,LineStrength/2,flxDirect);
0143     else
0144         arrowhead(ArrowX1,ArrowY1,[],McmCollect,LineStrength/2,flxDirect);
0145     end
0147     Mdl = getappdata(0,'Mdl');
0148     Uni = load(which('UniModelKEGG.mat'));
0149     K = Uni.B2Kegg.K; K1 = Mdl.B2Kegg.K;
0150     B = Uni.B2Kegg.B; B1 = Mdl.B2Kegg.B;
0151     clear Uni
0152     HoverUs.K = K1; HoverUs.B = B1;
0153     HoverUs.R = PostData.OverlayRxnsIDs; HoverUs.P = field_intsect_overlay';
0154     HoverUs.CR = PostData.ConOverlayRxnID; 
0155     HoverAll.R = PostData.rxnCds; HoverAll.P = field_intsect;
0156     HoverAll.K = K; HoverAll.B = B;
0157     pixHover(PostData.x_cpd,PostData.y_cpd,0.7*PostData.cpdxy(1,4),PostData.cpdnames...
0158         ,PostData.Allx,PostData.Ally,...
0159         HoverAll,HoverUs,abs(flx(:,k)),h1,H1)
0160     % Show colorbar--------------------------------------------------------
0161     if ~ColormapC
0162         flxstr=linspace(flxMin,flxMax,7);
0163         flxstr1=cell(numel(flxstr),1);
0164         for ir=1:numel(flxstr)
0165             flxstr1{ir,1}=num2str(flxstr(ir),2);
0166         end
0167         ch = colorbar('peer',h1);
0168         set(ch,'yticklabel',flxstr1)
0169     end
0170 end

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