Home > BiKEGG > pixHover.m





function pixHover(x,y,rad,cnames,Allx,Ally,AllHover,HoverUs,flx,h1,H1)


 a subfunction of NetDraw for showing information about
 reactions/compounds upon hovering the cursor on the customized map 
 created by NetDraw
 x, y: Compounds' coordinates.
 Allx, Ally: Reactions' coordinates.
 AllHover: BiGG/KEGG identifiers for all reactions.
 HoverUs: BiGG/KEGG identifiers for flux carrying reactions.
 flx: Flux rates.
 h1: Handle to map's axes.
 H1: Handle to map's figure.


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function pixHover(x,y,rad,cnames,Allx,Ally,AllHover,HoverUs,flx,h1,H1)
0002 % pixHover
0003 % a subfunction of NetDraw for showing information about
0004 % reactions/compounds upon hovering the cursor on the customized map
0005 % created by NetDraw
0006 %
0007 % Inputs:
0008 % x, y: Compounds' coordinates.
0009 % Allx, Ally: Reactions' coordinates.
0010 % AllHover: BiGG/KEGG identifiers for all reactions.
0011 % HoverUs: BiGG/KEGG identifiers for flux carrying reactions.
0012 % flx: Flux rates.
0013 % h1: Handle to map's axes.
0014 % H1: Handle to map's figure.
0016 % O. Jamialahmadi
0017 % TMU, Chem. Eng. Dept., Biotech. Group
0018 % July 2016
0020  Thresh = 15; % Threshold identifying the hovering area
0021  axes(h1)
0022  set(H1,'WindowButtonMotionFcn', @hoverCallback);
0023  textHdl = text('Color', 'black', 'VerticalAlign',...
0024      'Bottom','Interpreter','none','Parent',gca);
0025  set(textHdl,'BackgroundColor',[173,255,47]./255)
0026  set(textHdl,'EdgeColor',[34,139,34]./255)
0027  set(textHdl,'Parent',h1)
0028  textHdl1 = text('Color', 'black', 'VerticalAlign',...
0029      'Bottom','Interpreter','none','Parent',gca);
0030  set(textHdl1,'BackgroundColor',[144,238,144]./255)
0031  set(textHdl1,'EdgeColor',[34,139,34]./255)
0032  set(textHdl1,'Parent',h1)
0034  function hoverCallback(src, evt)
0035     mousePoint = get(h1, 'CurrentPoint');
0036     mouseX = mousePoint(1,1);
0037     mouseY = mousePoint(1,2);
0038     distancesToMouse = hypot(x - mouseX, y - mouseY);
0039     [~, ind] = min(abs(distancesToMouse));
0040     if abs(mouseX - x(ind)) < Thresh && abs(mouseY - y(ind)) < Thresh
0041         set(textHdl, 'String', ['ID = ', cnames(ind)]);
0042         set(textHdl, 'Position', [x(ind) + Thresh, y(ind) + Thresh])
0043         axes(h1)
0044         viscircles(h1,[x(ind) y(ind)],rad, 'EdgeColor',[1,0.8667,0.1765]);           
0045     else
0046         set(textHdl, 'String', '')
0047         hg1 = findobj('type', 'line');
0048         set(hg1, 'Visible','off');
0049     end
0050     inFlag = 0; cum_str = [];
0051     for i1 =1:numel(Allx)
0052         SX = Allx{i1};
0053         SY = Ally{i1};
0054         distancesToMouse1 = hypot(SX - mouseX, SY - mouseY);
0055         [~, ind1] = min(abs(distancesToMouse1));
0056         if abs(mouseX - SX(ind1)) < Thresh/4 && abs(mouseY - SY(ind1)) < Thresh/4
0057             inFlag = [i1,ind1];
0058             cum_str = [cum_str,AllHover.P(i1)];
0059         end
0060     end
0061     if inFlag(1)
0062         [N1,~] = (ismember(HoverUs.P,cum_str));
0063         AllKEGG = AllHover.R(ismember(AllHover.P,cum_str));
0064         [~,NA] = intersect(AllHover.K,AllKEGG);
0065         AllBiGG = AllHover.B(NA);
0066         ThisKEGGH = HoverUs.R(N1); ThisKEGG = HoverUs.CR(N1);
0067         [~,NW] = intersect(HoverUs.K,ThisKEGGH);
0068         ThisBiGG = HoverUs.B(NW);
0069         if isempty(ThisBiGG); ThisBiGG = {'None'}; end;
0070         if isempty(AllBiGG); AllBiGG = {'None'}; end;
0071         if ~isempty(ThisKEGG) % Flux carrying rxns ////////////////////
0072             if numel(ThisKEGG) > 1
0073                 ForThisFlux = strrep(cellstr(num2str(flx(N1))),' ','');
0074                 if size(ForThisFlux,1) > size(ForThisFlux,2)
0075                     ForThisFlux = ForThisFlux';
0076                 end
0077                 if size(ThisKEGG,1) > size(ThisKEGG,2)
0078                     ThisKEGG = ThisKEGG';
0079                 end
0080                 if size(ThisBiGG,1) > size(ThisBiGG,2)
0081                     ThisBiGG = ThisBiGG';
0082                 end
0083                 set(textHdl1, 'String', {['KEGG: ', strjoin(ThisKEGG,',')],...
0084                     ['BiGG: ', strjoin(ThisBiGG,',')],...
0085                     ['Rate: ',strjoin(ForThisFlux,',')]});
0086             elseif numel(ThisKEGG) == 1 && numel(ThisBiGG)>1
0087                 if size(ThisBiGG,1) > size(ThisBiGG,2)
0088                     ThisBiGG = ThisBiGG';
0089                 end
0090                 ForThisFlux = num2str(flx(N1));
0091                 set(textHdl1, 'String', {strjoin(['KEGG: ', ThisKEGG]),...
0092                     ['BiGG: ', strjoin(ThisBiGG,',')],...
0093                     ['Rate: ',ForThisFlux]});
0094             else
0095                 ForThisFlux = num2str(flx(N1));
0096                 set(textHdl1, 'String', {strjoin(['KEGG: ', ThisKEGG]),...
0097                     ['BiGG: ', ThisBiGG{1}],...
0098                     ['Rate: ',ForThisFlux]});
0099             end
0100         else % Inactive rxns //////////////////////////////////////////
0101             if numel(AllKEGG) > 1
0102                 if size(AllBiGG,1) > size(AllBiGG,2)
0103                     AllBiGG = AllBiGG';
0104                 end
0105                 set(textHdl1, 'String', {['KEGG: ', strjoin(AllKEGG,',')],...
0106                     ['BiGG: ', strjoin(AllBiGG,',')]});
0107             elseif numel(AllKEGG) == 1 && numel(AllBiGG)>1
0108                 if size(AllBiGG,1) > size(AllBiGG,2)
0109                     AllBiGG = AllBiGG';
0110                 end
0111                 set(textHdl1, 'String', {['KEGG: ', AllKEGG{1}],...
0112                     ['BiGG: ', strjoin(AllBiGG,',')]});
0113             else
0114                 set(textHdl1, 'String', {['KEGG: ', AllKEGG{1}],...
0115                     ['BiGG: ', AllBiGG{1}]});
0116             end
0117         end
0118         set(textHdl1, 'Position', [Allx{inFlag(1)}(inFlag(2)) + Thresh, Ally{inFlag(1)}(inFlag(2)) + Thresh])
0119     else
0120         set(textHdl1, 'String', '')    
0121     end
0123 end
0124 end

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