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function I = MapTrimmer(I,ArrowX,ArrowY,Cntrs,Allx4Arrow,Ally4Arrow,LineStrength,ColSpec)


 is a subfunction of NetDraw for drawing removing extra pixels
 after attaching arrowheads to reaction ends. 
 I: An array containing the customized metabolic map.
 ArrowX,ArrowY,Cntrs: Outputs from ArrowheadProcess.
 Allx4Arrow,Ally4Arrow: All reactions' coordinates.
 LineStrength: Reaction width.
 ColSpec: Color code corresponding to that of the reactions.
 I: Modified image without extra pixels.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function I = MapTrimmer(I,ArrowX,ArrowY,Cntrs,Allx4Arrow,Ally4Arrow,LineStrength,ColSpec)
0002 % MapTrimmer
0003 % is a subfunction of NetDraw for drawing removing extra pixels
0004 % after attaching arrowheads to reaction ends.
0005 %
0006 % Inputs:
0007 % I: An array containing the customized metabolic map.
0008 % ArrowX,ArrowY,Cntrs: Outputs from ArrowheadProcess.
0009 % Allx4Arrow,Ally4Arrow: All reactions' coordinates.
0010 % LineStrength: Reaction width.
0011 % ColSpec: Color code corresponding to that of the reactions.
0012 %
0013 % Output:
0014 % I: Modified image without extra pixels.
0016 % O. Jamialahmadi
0017 % TMU, Chem. Eng. Dept., Biotech. Group
0018 % July 2016
0020 for i1 = 1:numel(ArrowX)
0021     if isempty(ArrowX{i1})
0022         continue
0023     end
0024     Xin = ArrowX{i1}; Yin = ArrowY{i1}; Cents = Cntrs{i1};
0025     pixx = Allx4Arrow{i1};
0026     pixy = Ally4Arrow{i1};
0027     if ~std(pixx)
0028         pixx1 = pixx + LineStrength/2;
0029         pixx = pixx - LineStrength/2;
0030         pixy1 = pixy;
0031     elseif ~std(pixy)
0032         pixy1 = pixy + LineStrength/2;
0033         pixy = pixy - LineStrength/2;
0034         pixx1 = pixx;
0035     else
0036         pixx1 = pixx + LineStrength/2;
0037         pixx = pixx - LineStrength/2;
0038         pixy1 = pixy + LineStrength/2;
0039         pixy = pixy - LineStrength/2;
0040     end
0042     for cnt = 1:size(Xin,1)
0043         X = Xin(cnt,:); Y = Yin(cnt,:); Cent = Cents(cnt,:);
0044         DistToCpd = hypot( Allx4Arrow{i1} - Cent(1), Ally4Arrow{i1} - Cent(2));
0045         CpdDistToPoint1 = hypot( X(1) - Cent(1), Y(1) - Cent(2));
0046 %         CpdDistToPoint2 = hypot( X(2) - Cent(1), Y(2) - Cent(2));
0047         Ind = find(DistToCpd < 0.8*CpdDistToPoint1);% & DistToCpd>CpdDistToPoint2);
0048         pixx1T = pixx1(Ind); pixxT = pixx(Ind);        
0049         pixy1T = pixy1(Ind); pixyT = pixy(Ind);
0050         pixx1T = round(pixx1T); pixxT = round(pixxT);
0051         pixy1T = round(pixy1T); pixyT = round(pixyT);
0052         for i5 = 1:numel(pixxT)
0053             I(pixyT(i5):pixy1T(i5),pixxT(i5),1) = ColSpec(1);
0054             I(pixyT(i5),pixxT(i5):pixx1T(i5),1) = ColSpec(1); 
0055             I(pixyT(i5):pixy1T(i5),pixxT(i5),2) = ColSpec(2);
0056             I(pixyT(i5),pixxT(i5):pixx1T(i5),2) = ColSpec(2); 
0057             I(pixyT(i5):pixy1T(i5),pixxT(i5),3) = ColSpec(3);
0058             I(pixyT(i5),pixxT(i5):pixx1T(i5),3) = ColSpec(3); 
0059         end
0060     end
0061 end

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