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interparc (Copyright (c) 2012, John D'Errico): interpolate points along a curve in 2 or more dimensions


function [pt,dudt,fofthandle] = interparc(t,px,py,varargin)


 interparc (Copyright (c) 2012, John D'Errico): interpolate points along a curve in 2 or more dimensions 
 usage: pt = interparc(t,px,py)    % a 2-d curve
 usage: pt = interparc(t,px,py,pz) % a 3-d curve
 usage: pt = interparc(t,px,py,pz,pw,...) % a 4-d or higher dimensional curve
 usage: pt = interparc(t,px,py,method) % a 2-d curve, method is specified
 usage: [pt,dudt,fofthandle] = interparc(t,px,py,...) % also returns derivatives, and a function handle

 Interpolates new points at any fractional point along
 the curve defined by a list of points in 2 or more
 dimensions. The curve may be defined by any sequence
 of non-replicated points.

 arguments: (input)
  t   - vector of numbers, 0 <= t <= 1, that define
        the fractional distance along the curve to
        interpolate the curve at. t = 0 will generate
        the very first point in the point list, and
        t = 1 yields the last point in that list.
        Similarly, t = 0.5 will yield the mid-point
        on the curve in terms of arc length as the
        curve is interpolated by a parametric spline.

        If t is a scalar integer, at least 2, then
        it specifies the number of equally spaced
        points in arclength to be generated along
        the curve.

  px, py, pz, ... - vectors of length n, defining
        points along the curve. n must be at least 2.
        Exact Replicate points should not be present
        in the curve, although there is no constraint
        that the curve has replicate independent

  method - (OPTIONAL) string flag - denotes the method
        used to compute the points along the curve.

        method may be any of 'linear', 'spline', or 'pchip',
        or any simple contraction thereof, such as 'lin',
        'sp', or even 'p'.
        method == 'linear' --> Uses a linear chordal
               approximation to interpolate the curve.
               This method is the most efficient.

        method == 'pchip' --> Uses a parametric pchip
               approximation for the interpolation
               in arc length.

        method == 'spline' --> Uses a parametric spline
               approximation for the interpolation in
               arc length. Generally for a smooth curve,
               this method may be most accurate.

        method = 'csape' --> if available, this tool will
               allow a periodic spline fit for closed curves.
               ONLY use this method if your points should
               represent a closed curve.
               If the last point is NOT the same as the
               first point on the curve, then the curve
               will be forced to be periodic by this option.
               That is, the first point will be replicated
               onto the end.

               If csape is not present in your matlab release,
               then an error will result.

        DEFAULT: 'spline'

 arguments: (output)
  pt - Interpolated points at the specified fractional
        distance (in arc length) along the curve.

  dudt - when a second return argument is required,
       interparc will return the parametric derivatives
       (dx/dt, dy/dt, dz/dt, ...) as an array.

  fofthandle - a function handle, taking numbers in the interval [0,1]
       and evaluating the function at those points.

       Extrapolation will not be permitted by this call.
       Any values of t that lie outside of the interval [0,1]
       will be clipped to the endpoints of the curve.

 % Interpolate a set of unequally spaced points around
 % the perimeter of a unit circle, generating equally
 % spaced points around the perimeter.
 theta = sort(rand(15,1))*2*pi;
 theta(end+1) = theta(1);
 px = cos(theta);
 py = sin(theta);

 % interpolate using parametric splines
 pt = interparc(100,px,py,'spline');

 % Plot the result
 axis([-1.1 1.1 -1.1 1.1])
 axis equal
 grid on
 xlabel X
 ylabel Y
 title 'Points in blue are uniform in arclength around the circle'

 % For the previous set of points, generate exactly 6
 % points around the parametric splines, verifying
 % the uniformity of the arc length interpolant.
 pt = interparc(6,px,py,'spline');

 % Convert back to polar form. See that the radius
 % is indeed 1, quite accurately.
 [TH,R] = cart2pol(pt(:,1),pt(:,2))
 % TH =
 %       0.86005
 %        2.1141
 %       -2.9117
 %        -1.654
 %      -0.39649
 %       0.86005
 % R =
 %             1
 %        0.9997
 %        0.9998
 %       0.99999
 %        1.0001
 %             1

 % Unwrap the polar angles, and difference them.
 % ans =
 %        1.2541
 %        1.2573
 %        1.2577
 %        1.2575
 %        1.2565

 % Six points around the circle should be separated by
 % 2*pi/5 radians, if they were perfectly uniform. The
 % slight differences are due to the imperfect accuracy
 % of the parametric splines.
 % ans =
 %        1.2566

 See also: arclength, spline, pchip, interp1

 Author: John D'Errico
 e-mail: woodchips@rochester.rr.com
 Release: 1.0
 Release date: 3/15/2010


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function [pt,dudt,fofthandle] = interparc(t,px,py,varargin)
0002 % interparc (Copyright (c) 2012, John D'Errico): interpolate points along a curve in 2 or more dimensions
0003 % usage: pt = interparc(t,px,py)    % a 2-d curve
0004 % usage: pt = interparc(t,px,py,pz) % a 3-d curve
0005 % usage: pt = interparc(t,px,py,pz,pw,...) % a 4-d or higher dimensional curve
0006 % usage: pt = interparc(t,px,py,method) % a 2-d curve, method is specified
0007 % usage: [pt,dudt,fofthandle] = interparc(t,px,py,...) % also returns derivatives, and a function handle
0008 %
0009 % Interpolates new points at any fractional point along
0010 % the curve defined by a list of points in 2 or more
0011 % dimensions. The curve may be defined by any sequence
0012 % of non-replicated points.
0013 %
0014 % arguments: (input)
0015 %  t   - vector of numbers, 0 <= t <= 1, that define
0016 %        the fractional distance along the curve to
0017 %        interpolate the curve at. t = 0 will generate
0018 %        the very first point in the point list, and
0019 %        t = 1 yields the last point in that list.
0020 %        Similarly, t = 0.5 will yield the mid-point
0021 %        on the curve in terms of arc length as the
0022 %        curve is interpolated by a parametric spline.
0023 %
0024 %        If t is a scalar integer, at least 2, then
0025 %        it specifies the number of equally spaced
0026 %        points in arclength to be generated along
0027 %        the curve.
0028 %
0029 %  px, py, pz, ... - vectors of length n, defining
0030 %        points along the curve. n must be at least 2.
0031 %        Exact Replicate points should not be present
0032 %        in the curve, although there is no constraint
0033 %        that the curve has replicate independent
0034 %        variables.
0035 %
0036 %  method - (OPTIONAL) string flag - denotes the method
0037 %        used to compute the points along the curve.
0038 %
0039 %        method may be any of 'linear', 'spline', or 'pchip',
0040 %        or any simple contraction thereof, such as 'lin',
0041 %        'sp', or even 'p'.
0042 %
0043 %        method == 'linear' --> Uses a linear chordal
0044 %               approximation to interpolate the curve.
0045 %               This method is the most efficient.
0046 %
0047 %        method == 'pchip' --> Uses a parametric pchip
0048 %               approximation for the interpolation
0049 %               in arc length.
0050 %
0051 %        method == 'spline' --> Uses a parametric spline
0052 %               approximation for the interpolation in
0053 %               arc length. Generally for a smooth curve,
0054 %               this method may be most accurate.
0055 %
0056 %        method = 'csape' --> if available, this tool will
0057 %               allow a periodic spline fit for closed curves.
0058 %               ONLY use this method if your points should
0059 %               represent a closed curve.
0060 %
0061 %               If the last point is NOT the same as the
0062 %               first point on the curve, then the curve
0063 %               will be forced to be periodic by this option.
0064 %               That is, the first point will be replicated
0065 %               onto the end.
0066 %
0067 %               If csape is not present in your matlab release,
0068 %               then an error will result.
0069 %
0070 %        DEFAULT: 'spline'
0071 %
0072 %
0073 % arguments: (output)
0074 %  pt - Interpolated points at the specified fractional
0075 %        distance (in arc length) along the curve.
0076 %
0077 %  dudt - when a second return argument is required,
0078 %       interparc will return the parametric derivatives
0079 %       (dx/dt, dy/dt, dz/dt, ...) as an array.
0080 %
0081 %  fofthandle - a function handle, taking numbers in the interval [0,1]
0082 %       and evaluating the function at those points.
0083 %
0084 %       Extrapolation will not be permitted by this call.
0085 %       Any values of t that lie outside of the interval [0,1]
0086 %       will be clipped to the endpoints of the curve.
0087 %
0088 % Example:
0089 % % Interpolate a set of unequally spaced points around
0090 % % the perimeter of a unit circle, generating equally
0091 % % spaced points around the perimeter.
0092 % theta = sort(rand(15,1))*2*pi;
0093 % theta(end+1) = theta(1);
0094 % px = cos(theta);
0095 % py = sin(theta);
0096 %
0097 % % interpolate using parametric splines
0098 % pt = interparc(100,px,py,'spline');
0099 %
0100 % % Plot the result
0101 % plot(px,py,'r*',pt(:,1),pt(:,2),'b-o')
0102 % axis([-1.1 1.1 -1.1 1.1])
0103 % axis equal
0104 % grid on
0105 % xlabel X
0106 % ylabel Y
0107 % title 'Points in blue are uniform in arclength around the circle'
0108 %
0109 %
0110 % Example:
0111 % % For the previous set of points, generate exactly 6
0112 % % points around the parametric splines, verifying
0113 % % the uniformity of the arc length interpolant.
0114 % pt = interparc(6,px,py,'spline');
0115 %
0116 % % Convert back to polar form. See that the radius
0117 % % is indeed 1, quite accurately.
0118 % [TH,R] = cart2pol(pt(:,1),pt(:,2))
0119 % % TH =
0120 % %       0.86005
0121 % %        2.1141
0122 % %       -2.9117
0123 % %        -1.654
0124 % %      -0.39649
0125 % %       0.86005
0126 % % R =
0127 % %             1
0128 % %        0.9997
0129 % %        0.9998
0130 % %       0.99999
0131 % %        1.0001
0132 % %             1
0133 %
0134 % % Unwrap the polar angles, and difference them.
0135 % diff(unwrap(TH))
0136 % % ans =
0137 % %        1.2541
0138 % %        1.2573
0139 % %        1.2577
0140 % %        1.2575
0141 % %        1.2565
0142 %
0143 % % Six points around the circle should be separated by
0144 % % 2*pi/5 radians, if they were perfectly uniform. The
0145 % % slight differences are due to the imperfect accuracy
0146 % % of the parametric splines.
0147 % 2*pi/5
0148 % % ans =
0149 % %        1.2566
0150 %
0151 %
0152 % See also: arclength, spline, pchip, interp1
0153 %
0154 % Author: John D'Errico
0155 % e-mail: woodchips@rochester.rr.com
0156 % Release: 1.0
0157 % Release date: 3/15/2010
0159 % unpack the arguments and check for errors
0160 if nargin < 3
0161   error('ARCLENGTH:insufficientarguments', ...
0162     'at least t, px, and py must be supplied')
0163 end
0165 t = t(:);
0166 if (numel(t) == 1) && (t > 1) && (rem(t,1) == 0)
0167   % t specifies the number of points to be generated
0168   % equally spaced in arclength
0169   t = linspace(0,1,t)';
0170 elseif any(t < 0) || any(t > 1)
0171   error('ARCLENGTH:impropert', ...
0172     'All elements of t must be 0 <= t <= 1')
0173 end
0175 % how many points will be interpolated?
0176 nt = numel(t);
0178 % the number of points on the curve itself
0179 px = px(:);
0180 py = py(:);
0181 n = numel(px);
0183 % are px and py both vectors of the same length?
0184 if ~isvector(px) || ~isvector(py) || (length(py) ~= n)
0185   error('ARCLENGTH:improperpxorpy', ...
0186     'px and py must be vectors of the same length')
0187 elseif n < 2
0188   error('ARCLENGTH:improperpxorpy', ...
0189     'px and py must be vectors of length at least 2')
0190 end
0192 % compose px and py into a single array. this way,
0193 % if more dimensions are provided, the extension
0194 % is trivial.
0195 pxy = [px,py];
0196 ndim = 2;
0198 % the default method is 'linear'
0199 method = 'spline';
0201 % are there any other arguments?
0202 if nargin > 3
0203   % there are. check the last argument. Is it a string?
0204   if ischar(varargin{end})
0205     method = varargin{end};
0206     varargin(end) = [];
0208     % method may be any of {'linear', 'pchip', 'spline', 'csape'.}
0209     % any any simple contraction thereof.
0210     valid = {'linear', 'pchip', 'spline', 'csape'};
0211     [method,errstr] = validstring(method,valid);
0212     if ~isempty(errstr)
0213       error('INTERPARC:incorrectmethod',errstr)
0214     end
0215   end
0217   % anything that remains in varargin must add
0218   % an additional dimension on the curve/polygon
0219   for i = 1:numel(varargin)
0220     pz = varargin{i};
0221     pz = pz(:);
0222     if numel(pz) ~= n
0223       error('ARCLENGTH:improperpxorpy', ...
0224         'pz must be of the same size as px and py')
0225     end
0226     pxy = [pxy,pz]; %#ok
0227   end
0229   % the final number of dimensions provided
0230   ndim = size(pxy,2);
0231 end
0233 % if csape, then make sure the first point is replicated at the end.
0234 % also test to see if csape is available
0235 if method(1) == 'c'
0236   if exist('csape','file') == 0
0237     error('CSAPE was requested, but you lack the necessary toolbox.')
0238   end
0240   p1 = pxy(1,:);
0241   pend = pxy(end,:);
0243   % get a tolerance on whether the first point is replicated.
0244   if norm(p1 - pend) > 10*eps(norm(max(abs(pxy),[],1)))
0245     % the two end points were not identical, so wrap the curve
0246     pxy(end+1,:) = p1;
0247     nt = nt + 1;
0248   end
0249 end
0251 % preallocate the result, pt
0252 pt = NaN(nt,ndim);
0254 % Compute the chordal (linear) arclength
0255 % of each segment. This will be needed for
0256 % any of the methods.
0257 chordlen = sqrt(sum(diff(pxy,[],1).^2,2));
0259 % Normalize the arclengths to a unit total
0260 chordlen = chordlen/sum(chordlen);
0262 % cumulative arclength
0263 cumarc = [0;cumsum(chordlen)];
0265 % The linear interpolant is trivial. do it as a special case
0266 if method(1) == 'l'
0267   % The linear method.
0269   % which interval did each point fall in, in
0270   % terms of t?
0271   [junk,tbins] = histc(t,cumarc); %#ok
0273   % catch any problems at the ends
0274   tbins((tbins <= 0) | (t <= 0)) = 1;
0275   tbins((tbins >= n) | (t >= 1)) = n - 1;
0277   % interpolate
0278   s = (t - cumarc(tbins))./chordlen(tbins);
0279   % be nice, and allow the code to work on older releases
0280   % that don't have bsxfun
0281   pt = pxy(tbins,:) + (pxy(tbins+1,:) - pxy(tbins,:)).*repmat(s,1,ndim);
0283   % do we need to compute derivatives here?
0284   if nargout > 1
0285     dudt = (pxy(tbins+1,:) - pxy(tbins,:))./repmat(chordlen(tbins),1,ndim);
0286   end
0288   % do we need to create the spline as a piecewise linear function?
0289   if nargout > 2
0290     spl = cell(1,ndim);
0291     for i = 1:ndim
0292       coefs = [diff(pxy(:,i))./diff(cumarc),pxy(1:(end-1),i)];
0293       spl{i} = mkpp(cumarc.',coefs);
0294     end
0296     %create a function handle for evaluation, passing in the splines
0297     fofthandle = @(t) foft(t,spl);
0298   end
0300   % we are done at this point
0301   return
0302 end
0304 % If we drop down to here, we have either a spline
0305 % or csape or pchip interpolant to work with.
0307 % compute parametric splines
0308 spl = cell(1,ndim);
0309 spld = spl;
0310 diffarray = [3 0 0;0 2 0;0 0 1;0 0 0];
0311 for i = 1:ndim
0312   switch method
0313     case 'pchip'
0314       spl{i} = pchip(cumarc,pxy(:,i));
0315     case 'spline'
0316       spl{i} = spline(cumarc,pxy(:,i));
0317       nc = numel(spl{i}.coefs);
0318       if nc < 4
0319         % just pretend it has cubic segments
0320         spl{i}.coefs = [zeros(1,4-nc),spl{i}.coefs];
0321         spl{i}.order = 4;
0322       end
0323     case 'csape'
0324       % csape was specified, so the curve is presumed closed,
0325       % therefore periodic
0326       spl{i} = csape(cumarc,pxy(:,i),'periodic');
0327       nc = numel(spl{i}.coefs);
0328       if nc < 4
0329         % just pretend it has cubic segments
0330         spl{i}.coefs = [zeros(1,4-nc),spl{i}.coefs];
0331         spl{i}.order = 4;
0332       end
0333   end
0335   % and now differentiate them
0336   xp = spl{i};
0337   xp.coefs = xp.coefs*diffarray;
0338   xp.order = 3;
0339   spld{i} = xp;
0340 end
0342 % catch the case where there were exactly three points
0343 % in the curve, and spline was used to generate the
0344 % interpolant. In this case, spline creates a curve with
0345 % only one piece, not two.
0346 if (numel(cumarc) == 3) && (method(1) == 's')
0347   cumarc = spl{1}.breaks;
0348   n = numel(cumarc);
0349   chordlen = sum(chordlen);
0350 end
0352 % Generate the total arclength along the curve
0353 % by integrating each segment and summing the
0354 % results. The integration scheme does its job
0355 % using an ode solver.
0357 % polyarray here contains the derivative polynomials
0358 % for each spline in a given segment
0359 polyarray = zeros(ndim,3);
0360 seglen = zeros(n-1,1);
0362 % options for ode45
0363 opts = odeset('reltol',1.e-9);
0364 for i = 1:spl{1}.pieces
0365   % extract polynomials for the derivatives
0366   for j = 1:ndim
0367     polyarray(j,:) = spld{j}.coefs(i,:);
0368   end
0370   % integrate the arclength for the i'th segment
0371   % using ode45 for the integral. I could have
0372   % done this part with quad too, but then it
0373   % would not have been perfectly (numerically)
0374   % consistent with the next operation in this tool.
0375   [tout,yout] = ode45(@(t,y) segkernel(t,y),[0,chordlen(i)],0,opts); %#ok
0376   seglen(i) = yout(end);
0377 end
0379 % and normalize the segments to have unit total length
0380 totalsplinelength = sum(seglen);
0381 cumseglen = [0;cumsum(seglen)];
0383 % which interval did each point fall into, in
0384 % terms of t, but relative to the cumulative
0385 % arc lengths along the parametric spline?
0386 [junk,tbins] = histc(t*totalsplinelength,cumseglen); %#ok
0388 % catch any problems at the ends
0389 tbins((tbins <= 0) | (t <= 0)) = 1;
0390 tbins((tbins >= n) | (t >= 1)) = n - 1;
0392 % Do the fractional integration within each segment
0393 % for the interpolated points. t is the parameter
0394 % used to define the splines. It is defined in terms
0395 % of a linear chordal arclength. This works nicely when
0396 % a linear piecewise interpolant was used. However,
0397 % what is asked for is an arclength interpolation
0398 % in terms of arclength of the spline itself. Call s
0399 % the arclength traveled along the spline.
0400 s = totalsplinelength*t;
0402 % the ode45 options will now include an events property
0403 % so we can catch zero crossings.
0404 opts = odeset('reltol',1.e-9,'events',@ode_events);
0406 ti = t;
0407 for i = 1:nt
0408   % si is the piece of arc length that we will look
0409   % for in this spline segment.
0410   si = s(i) - cumseglen(tbins(i));
0412   % extract polynomials for the derivatives
0413   % in the interval the point lies in
0414   for j = 1:ndim
0415     polyarray(j,:) = spld{j}.coefs(tbins(i),:);
0416   end
0418   % we need to integrate in t, until the integral
0419   % crosses the specified value of si. Because we
0420   % have defined totalsplinelength, the lengths will
0421   % be normalized at this point to a unit length.
0422   %
0423   % Start the ode solver at -si, so we will just
0424   % look for an event where y crosses zero.
0425   [tout,yout,te,ye] = ode45(@(t,y) segkernel(t,y),[0,chordlen(tbins(i))],-si,opts); %#ok
0427   % we only need that point where a zero crossing occurred
0428   % if no crossing was found, then we can look at each end.
0429   if ~isempty(te)
0430     ti(i) = te(1) + cumarc(tbins(i));
0431   else
0432     % a crossing must have happened at the very
0433     % beginning or the end, and the ode solver
0434     % missed it, not trapping that event.
0435     if abs(yout(1)) < abs(yout(end))
0436       % the event must have been at the start.
0437       ti(i) = tout(1) + cumarc(tbins(i));
0438     else
0439       % the event must have been at the end.
0440       ti(i) = tout(end) + cumarc(tbins(i));
0441     end
0442   end
0443 end
0445 % Interpolate the parametric splines at ti to get
0446 % our interpolated value.
0447 for L = 1:ndim
0448   pt(:,L) = ppval(spl{L},ti);
0449 end
0451 % do we need to compute first derivatives here at each point?
0452 if nargout > 1
0453   dudt = zeros(nt,ndim);
0454   for L = 1:ndim
0455     dudt(:,L) = ppval(spld{L},ti);
0456   end
0457 end
0459 % create a function handle for evaluation, passing in the splines
0460 if nargout > 2
0461   fofthandle = @(t) foft(t,spl);
0462 end
0464 % ===============================================
0465 %  nested function for the integration kernel
0466 % ===============================================
0467   function val = segkernel(t,y) %#ok
0468     % sqrt((dx/dt)^2 + (dy/dt)^2 + ...)
0469     val = zeros(size(t));
0470     for k = 1:ndim
0471       val = val + polyval(polyarray(k,:),t).^2;
0472     end
0473     val = sqrt(val);
0475   end % function segkernel
0477 % ===============================================
0478 %  nested function for ode45 integration events
0479 % ===============================================
0480   function [value,isterminal,direction] = ode_events(t,y) %#ok
0481     % ode event trap, looking for zero crossings of y.
0482     value = y;
0483     isterminal = ones(size(y));
0484     direction = ones(size(y));
0485   end % function ode_events
0487 end % mainline - interparc
0490 % ===============================================
0491 %       end mainline - interparc
0492 % ===============================================
0493 %       begin subfunctions
0494 % ===============================================
0496 % ===============================================
0497 %  subfunction for evaluation at any point externally
0498 % ===============================================
0499 function f_t = foft(t,spl)
0500 % tool allowing the user to evaluate the interpolant at any given point for any values t in [0,1]
0501 pdim = numel(spl);
0502 f_t = zeros(numel(t),pdim);
0504 % convert t to a column vector, clipping it to [0,1] as we do.
0505 t = max(0,min(1,t(:)));
0507 % just loop over the splines in the cell array of splines
0508 for i = 1:pdim
0509   f_t(:,i) = ppval(spl{i},t);
0510 end
0511 end % function foft
0514 function [str,errorclass] = validstring(arg,valid)
0515 % validstring: compares a string against a set of valid options
0516 % usage: [str,errorclass] = validstring(arg,valid)
0517 %
0518 % If a direct hit, or any unambiguous shortening is found, that
0519 % string is returned. Capitalization is ignored.
0520 %
0521 % arguments: (input)
0522 %  arg - character string, to be tested against a list
0523 %        of valid choices. Capitalization is ignored.
0524 %
0525 %  valid - cellstring array of alternative choices
0526 %
0527 % Arguments: (output)
0528 %  str - string - resulting choice resolved from the
0529 %        list of valid arguments. If no unambiguous
0530 %        choice can be resolved, then str will be empty.
0531 %
0532 %  errorclass - string - A string argument that explains
0533 %        the error. It will be one of the following
0534 %        possibilities:
0535 %
0536 %        ''  --> No error. An unambiguous match for arg
0537 %                was found among the choices.
0538 %
0539 %        'No match found' --> No match was found among
0540 %                the choices provided in valid.
0541 %
0542 %        'Ambiguous argument' --> At least two ambiguous
0543 %                matches were found among those provided
0544 %                in valid.
0545 %
0546 %
0547 % Example:
0548 %  valid = {'off' 'on' 'The sky is falling'}
0549 %
0550 %
0551 % See also: parse_pv_pairs, strmatch, strcmpi
0552 %
0553 % Author: John D'Errico
0554 % e-mail: woodchips@rochester.rr.com
0555 % Release: 1.0
0556 % Release date: 3/25/2010
0558 ind = find(strncmpi(lower(arg),valid,numel(arg)));
0559 if isempty(ind)
0560   % No hit found
0561   errorclass = 'No match found';
0562   str = '';
0563 elseif (length(ind) > 1)
0564   % Ambiguous arg, hitting more than one of the valid options
0565   errorclass = 'Ambiguous argument';
0566   str = '';
0567   return
0568 else
0569   errorclass = '';
0570   str = valid{ind};
0571 end
0573 end % function validstring

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