0001 function PreconsMethod(handles)
0013 Org = get(handles.OrganEdit,'String');
0015 [getpathways,stat] = urlread(['http://rest.kegg.jp/list/pathway/',Org]);
0016 if ~stat
0017 msgbox('There is a problem with the internet connection!');
0018 return
0019 end
0020 pths = textscan(getpathways,'%s %[^\n]');
0021 pathnames = pths{1}; pathnames = strrep(pathnames,'path:','');
0025 BiGGdata = load('UniModelKEGG.mat');
0026 Bdata = BiGGdata.B2Kegg.B; Kdata = BiGGdata.B2Kegg.K;
0027 Multir = find(ismember(Bdata,'MULTIR'));
0028 Bdata(Multir:end) = []; Kdata(Multir:end) = [];
0029 Allgenes = {[]}; Allrxns = {[]}; Allbigg = {[]}; Allpath = {[]};
0030 yct = 1;
0031 for cp = 1:numel(pathnames)
0032 fprintf('Pathway: %d of %d\n',cp,numel(pathnames))
0033 [getKGML,stat] = urlread(['http://rest.kegg.jp/get/',pathnames{cp},'/kgml']);
0034 if ~stat
0035 msgbox('There is a problem with the internet connection!');
0036 clc
0037 return
0038 end
0039 Ids = regexp(getKGML,'(?<=entry id=)[^>]*','match');
0040 if isempty(Ids)
0041 continue
0042 end
0043 for ct = 1:numel(Ids)
0044 rnsTemp = Ids{ct};
0045 checkgene = regexp(rnsTemp,'type="gene"', 'once');
0046 if ~isempty(checkgene)
0047 rnnms1 = regexp(rnsTemp,'(?<=reaction=")[^"]*','match');
0048 if ~isempty(rnnms1)
0049 genenms1 = regexp(rnsTemp,'(?<=name=")[^"]*','match');
0050 CurrxnNum1 = regexp(rnnms1, 'R\d{5}', 'match');
0051 CurrxnNum = CurrxnNum1{1};
0052 for mc = 1:numel(CurrxnNum)
0053 biggTemp = Bdata(ismember(Kdata,CurrxnNum{mc}));
0054 if isempty(biggTemp)
0055 biggtemp = '';
0056 else
0057 if numel(biggTemp)>1
0058 biggtemp = strjoin(biggTemp,';');
0059 else
0060 biggtemp = biggTemp{1};
0061 end
0062 end
0064 rxntemp = CurrxnNum{mc};
0065 genetemp = genenms1{1};
0066 pathtemp = pathnames{cp};
0067 if ~isempty(Allrxns{1})
0068 if ~any(ismember(Allrxns,rxntemp))
0069 Allgenes{yct} = genetemp;
0070 Allrxns{yct} = rxntemp;
0071 Allbigg{yct} = biggtemp;
0072 Allpath{yct} = pathnames{cp};
0073 else
0074 Aloci = find(ismember(Allrxns,rxntemp));
0075 Allgenes{yct} = strjoin(unique({Allgenes{Aloci},...
0076 genetemp}),'|');
0077 Allpath{yct} = strjoin(unique({Allpath{Aloci},...
0078 pathtemp}),';');
0079 Allrxns{yct} = rxntemp;
0080 Allbigg{yct} = biggtemp;
0081 Allgenes(Aloci) = []; Allpath(Aloci) = [];
0082 Allrxns(Aloci) = []; Allbigg(Aloci) = [];
0083 yct = yct - numel(Aloci);
0084 end
0085 else
0086 Allgenes{yct} = genetemp;
0087 Allrxns{yct} = rxntemp;
0088 Allbigg{yct} = biggtemp;
0089 Allpath{yct} = pathnames{cp};
0090 end
0091 yct = yct + 1;
0092 end
0093 end
0094 end
0095 end
0096 end
0097 for ct2 = 1:numel(Allgenes)
0098 temp1 = unique(strsplit(Allgenes{ct2},'|'));
0099 Allgenes{ct2} = strjoin(temp1,'|');
0100 temp2 = unique(strsplit(Allpath{ct2},';'));
0101 Allpath{ct2} = strjoin(temp2,';');
0102 end
0104 AllgenesP = {[]}; AllrxnsP = {[]}; AllbiggP = {[]};
0105 for ct = 1:numel(pathnames);
0106 pathloci = regexp(Allpath,pathnames{ct});
0107 pathloci = find(~cellfun('isempty', pathloci));
0108 AllgenesP{ct} = Allgenes(pathloci);
0109 AllrxnsP{ct} = Allrxns(pathloci);
0110 AllbiggP{ct} = Allbigg(pathloci);
0111 end
0112 Biostat = get(handles.Biographcheck,'Value');
0113 if Biostat
0114 hSelectedObj=get(handles.Biographpanel, 'SelectedObject');
0115 BioType = get(hSelectedObj, 'Tag');
0116 Pathchoice = get(handles.Pathwaylistbox,'Value');
0117 gene2rxn(AllgenesP{Pathchoice},AllrxnsP{Pathchoice},AllbiggP{Pathchoice},BioType)
0118 end
0122 Pth1 = which ('Precons.m');
0123 tind = find(Pth1=='\',1,'last');
0124 Pth = Pth1(1:tind-1);
0125 Filename = [Pth,'\',Org,'.xlsx'];
0126 if exist(Filename,'file')
0127 Txt3 = [Org,'.xlsx already exists in the directory.\n'];
0128 fprintf(Txt3)
0129 Txt4 = 'The file will be replaced with the new one\n';
0130 fprintf(Txt4)
0131 delete(Filename)
0132 end
0133 Txt2 = 'Writing data to Xlsx file...\n';
0134 fprintf(Txt2)
0135 Alldat = cell(numel(Allgenes)+1,4);
0136 Alldat{1,1} = 'Gene Entry'; Alldat{1,2} = 'KEGG'; Alldat{1,3} = 'BiGG';
0137 Alldat{1,4} = 'Pathway';
0138 for nt = 1:numel(Allgenes)
0139 Alldat{nt+1,1} = Allgenes{nt};
0140 Alldat{nt+1,2} = Allrxns{nt};
0141 Alldat{nt+1,3} = Allbigg{nt};
0142 Alldat{nt+1,4} = Allpath{nt};
0143 end
0144 xlswrite(Filename,Alldat)
0145 clc
0146 fprintf('\nDone!')
0149 function gene2rxn(Allgenes,Allrxns,Allbigg,BioType)
0150 AllgeneNO1 = strjoin(Allgenes,'|');
0151 AllgeneNO2 = strsplit(AllgeneNO1,'|'); AllgeneNO2 = unique(AllgeneNO2);
0152 AllgeneNO = numel(AllgeneNO2);
0154 AllbiggU = find(~cellfun('isempty', Allbigg));
0155 AllbiggStr = Allbigg(AllbiggU);
0156 AllgeneStr = num2str(1:numel(AllgeneNO2));
0157 AllgeneStr = strsplit(AllgeneStr,' '); AllgeneStr = strcat('G',AllgeneStr);
0158 AllbiggNostr = num2str(1:numel(AllbiggStr));
0159 if ~isempty(AllbiggNostr)
0160 AllbiggNostr = strsplit(AllbiggNostr,' ');
0161 AllbiggNostr = strcat('B',AllbiggNostr);
0162 end
0164 if strcmp(BioType,'G2K2Bradiobutton')
0165 GprS = zeros(AllgeneNO + numel(Allrxns) + numel(AllbiggU));
0166 for ct1 = 1:numel(Allrxns)
0167 currgenes = strsplit(Allgenes{ct1},'|');
0168 for ct2 = 1:numel(currgenes)
0169 currgeneloci = find(ismember(AllgeneNO2,currgenes{ct2}));
0170 GprS(currgeneloci,AllgeneNO+ct1) = 1;
0171 end
0172 if ~isempty(Allbigg{ct1})
0173 y_coor = find(ismember(AllbiggStr,Allbigg{ct1}));
0174 GprS(AllgeneNO+ct1,AllgeneNO+numel(Allrxns)+y_coor) = 1;
0175 end
0176 end
0177 Allcum = [AllgeneStr,Allrxns,AllbiggNostr];
0178 GprS = sparse(GprS);
0179 bg1 = biograph(GprS,Allcum);
0180 dolayout(bg1);
0182 Tetta1 = 0:pi/(numel(AllgeneStr)-1):2*pi;
0183 Tetta2 = 0:pi/(numel(Allrxns)-1):2*pi;
0184 Tetta3 = 0:pi/(numel(AllbiggStr)-1):2*pi;
0185 R1 = 350; R2 = R1*1.5; R3 = R1*2;
0186 X1 = R1.*cos(Tetta1); Y1 = R1.*sin(Tetta1);
0187 X2 = R2.*cos(Tetta2); Y2 = R2.*sin(Tetta2);
0188 X3 = R3.*cos(Tetta3); Y3 = R3.*sin(Tetta3);
0189 for ct = 1:numel(Allcum)
0190 if ct<=numel(AllgeneStr)
0191 bg1.nodes(ct).Position = [X1(ct),Y1(ct)];
0192 set(bg1.nodes(ct),'Shape','circle')
0193 set(bg1.nodes(ct),'Label',AllgeneNO2{ct})
0194 elseif ct>numel(AllgeneStr) && ct<=(numel(Allrxns)+numel(AllgeneStr))
0195 bg1.nodes(ct).Position = [X2(ct-numel(AllgeneStr)),...
0196 Y2(ct-numel(AllgeneStr))];
0197 set(bg1.nodes(ct),'Shape','diamond')
0198 else
0199 bg1.nodes(ct).Position = [X3(ct-numel(AllgeneStr)-numel(Allrxns)),...
0200 Y3(ct-numel(AllgeneStr)-numel(Allrxns))];
0201 set(bg1.nodes(ct),'Label',AllbiggStr{ct-numel(AllgeneStr)-numel(Allrxns)})
0202 end
0203 end
0205 elseif strcmp(BioType,'G2Bradiobutton')
0206 gene4biggRaw = Allgenes(AllbiggU);
0207 gene4bigg = strjoin(gene4biggRaw,'|');
0208 gene4bigg = strsplit(gene4bigg,'|'); gene4bigg = unique(gene4bigg);
0209 gene4biggNo = numel(gene4bigg);
0210 AllgeneStr1 = num2str(1:numel(gene4bigg));
0211 AllgeneStr1 = strsplit(AllgeneStr1,' ');
0212 AllgeneStr1 = strcat('G',AllgeneStr1);
0213 GprS = zeros(gene4biggNo + numel(AllbiggU));
0214 for ct1 = 1:numel(gene4biggRaw)
0215 currgenes = strsplit(gene4biggRaw{ct1},'|');
0216 for ct2 = 1:numel(currgenes)
0217 currgeneloci = find(ismember(gene4bigg,currgenes{ct2}));
0218 GprS(currgeneloci,gene4biggNo+ct1) = 1;
0219 end
0220 end
0221 Allcum = [AllgeneStr1,AllbiggNostr];
0222 GprS = sparse(GprS);
0223 bg1 = biograph(GprS,Allcum);
0224 dolayout(bg1);
0225 Tetta1 = 0:pi/(numel(AllgeneStr1)-1):2*pi;
0226 Tetta2 = 0:pi/(numel(AllbiggNostr)-1):2*pi;
0227 R1 = 350; R2 = R1*1.5;
0228 X1 = R1.*cos(Tetta1); Y1 = R1.*sin(Tetta1);
0229 X2 = R2.*cos(Tetta2); Y2 = R2.*sin(Tetta2);
0230 for ct = 1:numel(Allcum)
0231 if ct<=numel(AllgeneStr1)
0232 bg1.nodes(ct).Position = [X1(ct),Y1(ct)];
0233 set(bg1.nodes(ct),'Shape','circle')
0234 set(bg1.nodes(ct),'Label',gene4bigg{ct})
0235 else
0236 bg1.nodes(ct).Position = [X2(ct-numel(AllgeneStr1)),...
0237 Y2(ct-numel(AllgeneStr1))];
0238 set(bg1.nodes(ct),'Label',AllbiggStr{ct-numel(AllgeneStr1)})
0239 end
0240 end
0241 else
0242 GprS = zeros(AllgeneNO + numel(Allrxns));
0243 for ct1 = 1:numel(Allrxns)
0244 currgenes = strsplit(Allgenes{ct1},'|');
0245 for ct2 = 1:numel(currgenes)
0246 currgeneloci = find(ismember(AllgeneNO2,currgenes{ct2}));
0247 GprS(currgeneloci,AllgeneNO+ct1) = 1;
0248 end
0249 end
0250 Allcum = [AllgeneStr,Allrxns];
0251 GprS = sparse(GprS);
0252 bg1 = biograph(GprS,Allcum);
0253 dolayout(bg1);
0254 Tetta1 = 0:pi/(numel(AllgeneStr)-1):2*pi;
0255 Tetta2 = 0:pi/(numel(Allrxns)-1):2*pi;
0256 R1 = 350; R2 = R1*1.5;
0257 X1 = R1.*cos(Tetta1); Y1 = R1.*sin(Tetta1);
0258 X2 = R2.*cos(Tetta2); Y2 = R2.*sin(Tetta2);
0259 for ct = 1:numel(Allcum)
0260 if ct<=numel(AllgeneStr)
0261 bg1.nodes(ct).Position = [X1(ct),Y1(ct)];
0262 set(bg1.nodes(ct),'Shape','circle')
0263 set(bg1.nodes(ct),'Label',AllgeneNO2{ct})
0264 else
0265 bg1.nodes(ct).Position = [X2(ct-numel(AllgeneStr)),...
0266 Y2(ct-numel(AllgeneStr))];
0267 set(bg1.nodes(ct),'Shape','diamond')
0268 end
0269 end
0271 end
0273 dolayout(bg1, 'Pathsonly', true);
0274 view(bg1)