Home > BiKEGG > Img2Animation.m





function Img2Animation (Idf)


 gets consecutive image files, and based on Idf value
 generates a Video or GIF file as output. Frames are sorted based on image
 numbers, which performed by SaveFlxImgs function

 O. Jamialahmadi
 TMU, Chem. Eng. Dept., Biotech. Group 
 Sep. 2015


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function Img2Animation (Idf)
0002 % Img2Animation
0003 % gets consecutive image files, and based on Idf value
0004 % generates a Video or GIF file as output. Frames are sorted based on image
0005 % numbers, which performed by SaveFlxImgs function
0006 %
0007 % O. Jamialahmadi
0008 % TMU, Chem. Eng. Dept., Biotech. Group
0009 % Sep. 2015
0011 if isempty(Idf) || Idf > 2 || Idf <= 0
0012     waitfor(msgbox('Unknown identifier (1 | 2)','Error','error'));
0013     return
0014 end
0015 % Check if image formats are consistent
0016 ImagesFolder=uigetdir;
0017 TempF=dir(ImagesFolder);
0018 TempF1=TempF(3).name;
0019 T1=strfind(TempF1,'.');
0020 TempF2=TempF1(T1+1:end);
0021 if size(TempF,1) < 4
0022      msgbox(['There is only one image ',...
0023      'in this directory!'],'Warning','warn');
0024      return
0025 end
0026 TempG1=TempF(4).name;
0027 G1=strfind(TempF1,'.');
0028 TempG2=TempG1(G1+1:end);
0029 if ~strcmp(TempF2,TempG2)
0030      msgbox(['File types in the chosen ',...
0031          'folder are not consistent!'],'Warning','warn');
0032      return
0033 end
0035 ImgFiles = dir(strcat(ImagesFolder,'\*',TempF2));
0037 S = [ImgFiles(:).datenum]; 
0038 [~,S] = sort(S);
0039 ImgFilesS = ImgFiles(S);
0041 if Idf == 1 % Video file
0042     VideoFile=strcat(ImagesFolder,'\Output video');
0043     writerObj = VideoWriter(VideoFile);
0044 %     Input dialog box for framerate
0045     prompt='Insert the desired framerate value:';
0046     name='Frame rate: ';
0047     numlines=1;
0048     defaultanswer={'1'};
0049     options.Resize='on';
0050     options.WindowStyle='normal';
0051     options.Interpreter='tex';
0052     answer=inputdlg(prompt,name,numlines,defaultanswer,options);
0053     fps=str2double(answer(1)); 
0054     writerObj.FrameRate = fps;
0055     open(writerObj);
0056     for t= 1:length(ImgFilesS)
0057          Frame=imread(strcat(ImagesFolder,'\',ImgFilesS(t).name));
0058          writeVideo(writerObj,im2frame(Frame));
0059     end
0060     close(writerObj);
0061 elseif Idf == 2 % GIF file
0062     GIFfilename = strcat(ImagesFolder,'\OutputAnimatedImg.gif');
0063     for t= 1:length(ImgFilesS)
0064         Frame=imread(strcat(ImagesFolder,'\',ImgFilesS(t).name));
0065         [imind,cm] = rgb2ind(Frame,256);
0066         if t == 1;
0067             imwrite(imind,cm,GIFfilename,'gif','LoopCount',Inf,'DelayTime',1);
0068         else
0069            imwrite(imind,cm,GIFfilename,'gif','WriteMode','append','DelayTime',1);
0070         end
0071     end
0072 end

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