Home > BiKEGG > Bigg2KeggRestricted.m





function [BiGGID,AllRxn] = Bigg2KeggRestricted(D,Metkegg,rxnData,cpds,cpd2rxn)


 is a subfunction of Bigg2Kegg and employs restricted
 conditions for identifying reaction correspondences.
 Full documentation is available in the user manual.
 O. Jamialahmadi
 TMU, Chem. Eng. Dept., Biotech. Group 
 Oct. 2015


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function [BiGGID,AllRxn] = Bigg2KeggRestricted(D,Metkegg,rxnData,cpds,cpd2rxn)
0002 % Bigg2KeggRestricted
0003 % is a subfunction of Bigg2Kegg and employs restricted
0004 % conditions for identifying reaction correspondences.
0005 % Full documentation is available in the user manual.
0006 %
0007 % O. Jamialahmadi
0008 % TMU, Chem. Eng. Dept., Biotech. Group
0009 % Oct. 2015
0011 load('UniModelKEGG.mat')
0012 UniB = B2Kegg.B; UniK = B2Kegg.K;
0013 Umulti = find(ismember(UniB,'MULTIR'));
0014 UniB = UniB(1:Umulti-1); UniK = UniK(1:Umulti-1);
0015 clear B2Kegg
0016 Fileid12 = fopen('PrunedRxns.txt','r');
0017 Prunedata12 = textscan(Fileid12,'%s %s %d %[^\n]');
0018 Testpruned = Prunedata12{1};
0019 fclose(Fileid12);
0020 RxnNames = D.rxns;
0021 Rxns = D.S;
0022 Keggrm = (0);
0023 BiGGID = {0};
0024 AllRxn = {0};
0025 Uctr = 1;
0026 for rn = 1:size(Rxns,2) % for all rxns
0027     fprintf('Rxn %d of %d\n',rn,size(Rxns,2))
0029     % ---------------------------------------------------------------------
0030     %if current reaction exists in pruned reactions, or UniModelKEGG there
0031     %is no need to further search for potential equivalent reactions.
0032     if any(ismember(Testpruned,RxnNames{rn}))
0033         continue
0034     end
0035     if any(ismember(UniB,RxnNames{rn}))
0036         UniBloci = find(ismember(UniB,RxnNames{rn}));
0037         for u1 = 1:numel(UniBloci)
0038             BiGGID{Uctr} = UniB{UniBloci(u1)};
0039             AllRxn{Uctr} = UniK{UniBloci(u1)};
0040             Uctr = Uctr + 1;
0041         end    
0042         continue
0043     end
0044     %----------------------------------------------------------------------
0045     Prd = find(Rxns(:,rn)); % Find substrates and products for each rxn
0046     CheckTransport = [Metkegg{Prd}]; % Exclude transport rxns
0047     if (numel(CheckTransport)/numel(unique(CheckTransport)) == 2)
0048         continue
0049     end
0050     % 1st condition: All reactants and products have metKeggIDs.
0051     % 2nd condition: Exclude all one element rxns
0052     if (~sum(strcmp (Metkegg(Prd),'')) && (length(Prd) > 1))
0053         Cbs = MetCombs(Metkegg,Prd); % All combinations (permutations) of
0054         % KEGG compounds, regarding the fact that there are more than one
0055         % KEGG cpd for some metabolites in the model.
0056         for Outctr = 1:size(Cbs,1)
0057             % Contains all KEGG cpds in a certain rxn
0058             TempMet = unique(Cbs(Outctr,:));
0059             % Ignore transport reactions with water molecule: c00001
0060             if (numel(TempMet) == 2) && sum(strcmp(TempMet,'C00001'))
0061                 continue
0062             end
0063             if length(TempMet) > 1 % Exclude all exchange rxns
0064                 KeggrmMethod = 'off'; %Offline
0065                 switch KeggrmMethod
0066                     case 'off'
0067                         Id1 = ismember(cpds,TempMet);
0068                         Keggrm = str2num(rxnData(Id1,5:end));
0069                     case 'on'
0070                         Keggrm = KeggApiMatch (TempMet);
0071                 end
0072                 Uq = unique(Keggrm);
0073                 N = histc(Keggrm, Uq);
0074                 if isempty(max(N))
0075                     continue
0076                 end
0077                 if (max(N) == numel(TempMet))
0078                     UqTemp = Uq(N==max(N));
0079                     for count = 1:numel(UqTemp)
0080                         UqTemp1{count} = strcat('rn:R',repmat('0',...
0081                             [1,4- floor(log10(UqTemp(count)+eps))])...
0082                             ,num2str(UqTemp(count)));
0083                     end
0084                     if numel(UqTemp) > 1
0085                         for count = 1:length(UqTemp1)
0086                             UqTempSum(count) = sum(ismember(cpd2rxn{2},...
0087                                 UqTemp1{count}));
0088                         end
0089                         if min(UqTempSum)==numel(TempMet)
0090                             [~,In1] = min(UqTempSum);
0091                             AllRxn{Uctr} = UqTemp1{In1}(4:end);
0092                             BiGGID {Uctr} = D.rxns{rn};
0093                             Uctr = Uctr + 1;
0094                         end
0095                     else
0096                         UqTempSum = sum(ismember(cpd2rxn{2},UqTemp1{1}));
0097                         if min(UqTempSum)==numel(TempMet)
0098                             AllRxn{Uctr} = UqTemp1{1}(4:end);
0099                             BiGGID {Uctr} = D.rxns{rn};
0100                             Uctr = Uctr + 1;
0101                         end
0103                     end
0104                     UqTempSum = 0;
0105                     UqTemp1 = {0};
0107                 end
0108             end
0109             Keggrm = 0;
0110         end
0111     end
0112 end
0113 % Identify BiGG rxns for which there is more than one KEGG rxns, and prune
0114 % BiGGIDs and AllRxns
0115 [BiGGID,AllRxn,MultiBID,MultiRxn] = RxnPrune(BiGGID, AllRxn, RxnNames);
0116 AllRxnTemp = {[]}; BiGGIDTemp = {[]}; Tctr = 1;
0117 if any ([MultiBID{:}])
0118     for ct = 1:numel(MultiBID)
0119         for ci = 1:numel(MultiRxn{ct})
0120             BiGGIDTemp{Tctr} = MultiBID{ct};
0121             AllRxnTemp{Tctr} = MultiRxn{ct}{ci};
0122             Tctr = Tctr + 1;
0123         end
0124     end
0125     BiGGID = [BiGGID,BiGGIDTemp];
0126     AllRxn = [AllRxn,AllRxnTemp];
0127 end
0131 %% Subfunctions
0132 function Cbs = MetCombs(Metkegg,Prd)
0133 SizeCell = cell(1,numel(Prd));
0134 for count = 1:numel(Prd)
0135     TempCounter = numel(Metkegg{Prd(count)});
0136     SizeCell{count} = 1:TempCounter;
0137 end
0138 MetkeggT = Metkegg(Prd);
0139 MetkeggTemp = [MetkeggT{:}];
0140 OutMet = combvec(SizeCell{:}).';
0141 for count = 1:size(OutMet,2)-1 % Corresponds to linearized Metkegg(Prd)
0142     OutMet(:,count+1)=OutMet(:,count+1)+max(OutMet(:,count));
0143 end
0144 CbsT = MetkeggTemp(OutMet);
0145 if any(strcmp(CbsT(:),'C00080'))
0146     Cbs1 = CbsT;
0147     [N1,N2] = find(strcmp(Cbs1,'C00080'));
0148     LenCbs = 1:numel(Cbs1);
0149     for count = 1:numel(N1)
0150         NonH2Cpd = find(~ismember(LenCbs,N2(count)));
0151         Cbs1{N1(count),N2(count)} = CbsT{N1(count),NonH2Cpd(1)};
0152     end
0153     Cbs = [CbsT;Cbs1];
0154 else 
0155     Cbs1 = CbsT;
0156     Cbs2 = Cbs1;
0157     for count = 1:size(CbsT,1)
0158         Cbs1{count,size(CbsT,2)+1} = 'C00080'; % Add H+
0159         % Keep dimensional consistency:
0160         Cbs2{count,size(CbsT,2)+1} = Cbs2{count,size(CbsT,2)};
0161     end
0162     Cbs = [Cbs1;Cbs2];
0163 end
0164 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
0165 function [Bg,Ar,Bg2,Ar2] = RxnPrune(BiGGID, AllRxn, RxnNames)
0166 Fileid = fopen('PrunedRxns.txt','r');
0167 PrAll = textscan(Fileid,'%s %s %d %[^\n]');
0168 PrB = PrAll{3};
0169 PrBY = find(PrB); % To be added
0170 PrBN = ~PrB; % To be removed
0171 TBrxns = PrAll{1}; TKrxns = PrAll{2};
0172 BrxnY = TBrxns(PrBY); KrxnY = TKrxns(PrBY);
0173 BrxnN = TBrxns(PrBN);
0174 % Which BiGGID elements are in BrxnY?
0175 BiGGInBrxnY = BiGGID(ismember(BiGGID,BrxnY)); 
0176 KeggOfBrxnY = KrxnY(ismember(BrxnY,BiGGID));
0177 BrxnYTemp = BrxnY(ismember(BrxnY,BiGGID));
0178 SharedRxns = cell(1,numel(BiGGInBrxnY));
0179 for count = 1:numel(BrxnYTemp)
0180     T= ismember(BiGGInBrxnY,BrxnYTemp{count});
0181     SharedRxns(T) = KeggOfBrxnY(count);
0182 end
0183 AllRxn(ismember(BiGGID,BrxnY)) = SharedRxns;
0184 % Which BrxnY elements are not in BiGGID and should be added separately?
0185 NotInBiGG = BrxnY(~ismember(BrxnY,BiGGID));
0186 RxnNot = KrxnY(~ismember(BrxnY,BiGGID));
0187 % Are NotInBiGG elements exist in the current model (Note: BrxnY contains
0188 % universal BiGG reactions) ?
0189 YaLoci = find(ismember(NotInBiGG,RxnNames));
0190 Yf1 = NotInBiGG(YaLoci);
0191 AddedRxns = RxnNot(YaLoci);
0192 ModLength = (1:numel(Yf1))+numel(BiGGID);
0193 BiGGID(ModLength) = Yf1;
0194 AllRxn(ModLength) = AddedRxns;
0195 % Remove other found rxns in BiGGID which their absence is manually
0196 % confirmed.
0197 TobeRemovedRxns = ismember(BiGGID,BrxnN);
0198 BiGGID(TobeRemovedRxns)=[]; AllRxn(TobeRemovedRxns)=[]; % Remove other rxns
0199 % Find BiGG IDs with more than one rxn id
0200 ct=1;cr=1;
0201 Bg2={0};Ar2={0};Bg={0};Ar={0};
0202 BiGGT = BiGGID; RxnT = AllRxn;
0203 while numel(BiGGT)
0204     T = find(ismember(BiGGT,BiGGT(1))); R = RxnT(T);
0205     if numel(unique(R))~=1 % Reactions with more than one KEGG ID
0206         Bg2{ct} = BiGGT{1};
0207         Ar2{ct} = unique(R);      
0208         ct = ct+1;
0209     else
0210         Bg{cr}=BiGGT{1};
0211         Ar{cr}=cell2mat(unique(R));
0212         cr=cr+1;
0213     end
0214     BiGGT(T)=[]; %Remove
0215     RxnT(T)=[];
0216 end
0217 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
0218 function Keggrm = KeggApiMatch(TempMet)
0219 ctr=1;
0220 Keggrm=(0);
0221 for mt = 1:length(TempMet)
0222     Metstr = urlread(['http://rest.kegg.jp/link/rn/',TempMet{mt}]);
0223     Id1 =  regexp(Metstr,'rn:R'); % All rxns containing a cpd
0224     if Id1 % KEGG rxn IDs are provided for this cpd
0225         for di = 1:length(Id1) % Extracts rxns
0226             Keggrm(ctr) = str2double(Metstr(Id1(di)+4:Id1(di)+9));
0227             ctr = ctr+1;
0228         end
0229     else
0230         break % Don't generate Metstr for other compounds
0231     end
0232 end
0233 % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
0234 function Metkegg = ModelMoidfy (Metkegg,MetAbr)
0235 % Read Metkegg data for RECON1.xml
0236 Mdat = load('RECON1Metkegg.mat');
0237 RECON1k = Mdat.RECON1meta.K;
0238 RECON1m = Mdat.RECON1meta.B;
0239 [Fx1,Fx2] = ismember(RECON1m,MetAbr);
0240 Fx2(Fx2==0) = [];
0241 % Metkegg(Fx2) = RECON1k(Fx1);
0242 Fx3 = find(Fx1);
0243 for i1 = 1:numel(Fx2)
0244     if numel(Metkegg{Fx2(i1)}) > numel(RECON1k{Fx3(i1)})
0245        Tempmet = Metkegg{Fx2(i1)};
0246        whrc = ismember(Tempmet,RECON1k{Fx3(i1)});
0247        if isempty(whrc)
0248         Metkegg{Fx2(i1)} = RECON1k(Fx3(i1));
0249         end
0250     else
0251         Metkegg{Fx2(i1)} = RECON1k{Fx3(i1)};
0252     end
0253 end
0254 % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
0255 function [BiGGID,AllRxn] = AddLumpRxns(Steprxns,Insteprxns,BiGGID1,AllRxn1)
0256 % ExcRxns contains rxns which need to be removed manually from Steprxns
0257 ExcRxns = {'R03082','R01651','R01210'};
0258 FindLocs = find(ismember(Steprxns,ExcRxns));
0259 Steprxns(ismember(Steprxns,ExcRxns)) = [];
0260 Insteprxns(FindLocs)=[];
0261 PrevLen = numel(BiGGID1)+1;
0262 BiGGID = BiGGID1; AllRxn = AllRxn1;
0263 BiGGID{PrevLen} = 'MULTIR'; AllRxn{PrevLen} = 'MULTIR';
0264 CurrLen = numel(BiGGID1)+2;
0265 for count = 1:numel(Steprxns)
0266     if ~isempty(Insteprxns{count})
0267         if ~any(ismember(Insteprxns{count},AllRxn1)) %No common rxns
0268             BiggTemp = BiGGID1(ismember(AllRxn1,Steprxns{count}));
0269             for count1 = 1:numel(BiggTemp)
0270                 for count2 = 1:numel(Insteprxns{count})
0271                     BiGGID{CurrLen} = BiggTemp{count1};
0272                     AllRxn{CurrLen} = Insteprxns{count}{count2};
0273                     CurrLen = CurrLen+1;
0274                 end
0275             end
0276         else
0277             TempLoc = find(~ismember(Insteprxns{count},AllRxn1));
0278             BiggTemp = BiGGID1(ismember(AllRxn1,Steprxns{count}));
0279             for count1 = 1:numel(BiggTemp)
0280                 for count2 = 1:numel(TempLoc)
0281                     BiGGID{CurrLen} = BiggTemp{count1};
0282                     AllRxn{CurrLen} = Insteprxns{count}{TempLoc(count2)};
0283                     CurrLen = CurrLen+1;
0284                 end
0285             end
0286         end
0287     end
0288 end

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